The first video I watched was about posting different things on the internet that can be seen by everybody. Things like pictures, songs, and even statements can be seen by everybody on the web. My reaction to this is that you really need to think before you post ANYTHING on the web because you don’t know where you’ll see it next!
The second video I read was about how people say things to other people online that hurts the other person, because they don’t think it’s as harmful when it’s not face to face. My reaction to the video was if you don’t think you can come front to front with that person about what you are about to say that its probably meant to don’t be said at all!
The third video was about how you need to make sure anything on the internet that you don’t want public is either private or does not have personal information. My reaction to this video was that I am always going to be think about what I am putting up on the internet and is it safe too, also is it shown to everybody is kept private for only me or my friends to see.